The following list of useful links is aimed to help you should you be looking to find more information about any of the issues that you may be facing. The list is by no means exhaustive (although it is actually quite lengthy!)

Acne Assasin | | |
Admiral Nursing DIRECT | Admiral Nurses are specialist nurses working with people with dementia and their carers. | |
Bowel Cancer UK | We are a registered charity dedicated to raising awareness on bowel cancer | |
Mesothelioma Asbestos Cancer Information | |
British Medical Association | A web-based resource pack for BMA members who have mental health and/or addiction issues. For the BMA homepage (non-members) click here. | | | ‘An accurate source of research information on Bursitis and treatment options’ | |
Disabled and Reduced Mobility Airport Guide | The guide has been created to help relieve some of the stress and worry which is very common among disabled persons when travelling through unfamiliar environments such as an Airport. Included in the guide is information such as Travelling with Visual Impairments, Breathing Problems, Flying with Guide Dogs, Travelling with Autism, Wheelchair access, Help at the car park and much more. | |
Eating Disorder Hope | Eating Disorder Hope promotes ending eating disordered behaviour, embracing life and pursuing recovery. Our mission is to foster appreciation of one’s uniqueness and value in the world, unrelated to appearance, achievement or applause. | |
Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center | An international eating disorder referral organisation. | |
Endometriosis SHE Trust (UK) | ‘Endometriosis education programme for complementary practitioners’ | |
HandsOnScotland | HandsOnScotland is an online resource for anybody working with or caring for children and young people. The website provides practical information and techniques on how to respond helpfully to children and young people’s troubling behaviour and offers advice and activities on how to help them flourish. | |
Headway | Headway is a charity set up to give help and support to people affected by brain injury | |
Leiomysosarcoma | Strives to provide the most current and accurate information and news on causes and preventitive treatments for Leiomyosarcoma | |
Leukaemia CARE | Leukaemia CARE (registered charity no: 59483) Leukaemia CARE exists to provide vital care and support to all those whose lives are affected by leukaemia, lymphoma and the allied blood disorders, including the welfare of families and carers as well as of patients. Call the CARE Line on 0800 169 6680 | |
Mental Health Matters | An organisation supporting people with mental health needs, learning disabilities, and addiction. | |
MS Society | The MS Society is the UK’s largest charity for people affected by multiple sclerosis (MS) – about 100,000 people in the UK. | |
Pain Talk | National discussion forum for UK professionals working in (or with a specific interest in) both acute and chronic pain management. | |
Pink for a Girl | ‘Providing a community for women who would love to have children but are experiencing problems’ | |
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD | The Gateway to PTSD Information is a gateway to four nonprofit sites that offer (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD) information and resources. Four national and international organizations are here to help, with articles, references, web-links, mini-courses, 800 phone access and pen-pal resources. | | | was formed in late 2005 to offer a unique reference point on safe cosmetics’ | |
SANE / SANELINE | 0207 3751002. SANE is a UK-wide charity working to improve quality of life for people affected by mental illness. | |
Spinal Injuries Association | The Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) is the leading national charity for spinal cord injured people. We are unique in that we are a user led organisation with all our Trustees being spinal cord injured themselves. | |
The Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre | The Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre (MSRC) provides information on Multiple Sclerosis, MS symptoms, treatments, research news & MS resources to all those affected by MS. | | | A health directory and information website | | | The British Medical Association’s Family Doctor Books produce a series of affordable and up to date health information books, written by doctors especially for patients. | |
Youth Health Talk | This is a website about young people’s real life experiences of health and lifestyle. This is not just a website about the medical facts, this is about real people and real lives. | |
Age UK | | |
Alcoholics Anonymous | | |
British Pregnancy Advisory Service | | |
NDVH – National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline | The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf. | |
Redundancy Help | | |
SAD | | |
Sapphire | Improving rape investigation and victim care. | |
W.I.R.E.D. – Wirral Information Resource for Equality and Disability | Wirral Information Resource for Equality and Disability (W.I.R.E.D.) was formed on 1st April 2003 as a result of a merger between Wirral Association for Disability and Living Options Wirral. W.I.R.E.D. is an organisation of and for disabled people and carers in North Wales. It provides a range of services to people, acts as an umbrella organisation for other local disability groups and promotes the inclusion of disabled people into society. | |
Women’s Aid | Women’s Aid is the key national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children. We support a network of over 500 domestic and sexual violence services across the UK. | |
Miscarriage Association | If you have been affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy, we hope you will find here the information and support that you need to help you through. | |
A Guide for Guarding Personal Information in the Workplace | | |
ADD/HD information | | |
Adfam | A national charity working with families affected by drugs and alcohol and is a leading agency in substance related family work. Tel: 020 7928 8898 | |
Adiction Center America | American Addiction Center | |
Adoption UK | Adoption UK is a national charity run by and for adopters, providing self-help information, advice, support and training on all aspects of adoption and adoptive parenting. | |
After Adoption | After Adoption: Helping everyone affected by adoption | |
Alzheimer’s.Net USA | | |
ARC (Antenatal Results and Choices) | ARC provides non-directive support and information to parents before, during and after prenatal testing. | |
Association for Counselling and Therapy Online (ACTO) | The professional association for psychological therapists who work online. | |
Attention Deficit Disorder Resources | Over 100 articles written by national ADHD authorities as well as adults with ADHD. Plenty of information for parents too.100 plus links to ADHD-related websites’ | |
Beacon Counselling Trust | Beacon Counselling Trust is a Liverpool based Counselling charity which employs fully qualified counsellors who have extensive experience working with a wide range of personal and work related problems. | |
Beat – Beating eating disorders | Information and help on all aspects of eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, binge eating disorder and related eating disorders. | |
Brain Tumour UK | Brain Tumour UK is charitable organisation whose mission is to conquer brain tumours, in partnership with all who share our concern, through a combination of Research, Education and Support. Aims are to increase research into the condition; improve quality & accessibility of information and support; increase awareness and knowledge of brain tumours and advocate for enhanced treatment and care of brain tumour patients and carers. | |
Breast Cancer CA | | |
Breathing Space Scotland | Anyone can feel down or depressed from time to time. It helps to get some Breathing Space. You are not alone and talking about how you feel is a positive first step in getting help. So don’t let problems get out of hand, phone Breathing Space where experienced advisors will listen and provide information and advice. | |
British Society of Gerontology | ‘aims to promote the understanding of human ageing and later life through research and communication’ | |
Care for the family | Care for the Family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. | |
Childless Stepmums Forum | ‘A forum for stepmothers who (either originally or still) have no children of their own.’ | |
Children First for Health | We are a free general health information site for young people and families. Run by Great Ormond Street Hospital, the UK’s leading children’s research hospital, we provide authoritative and clinically approved advice from our child health experts on a broad range of health related topics. | |
Children of Addicted Parents and People | COAP is a website with online forums for young people affected by someone elses addiction. | |
Children’s Legal Centre | Promoting children’s rights in the UK and worldwide. The Children’s Legal Centre is a unique, independent national charity concerned with law and policy affecting children and young people. | |
Comprehensive College Guide | The guide includes: Financial aid made easy. | |
Consumer Affairs | empower consumers through education in the areas of credit, loans, insurance, debt and personal finance. | |
Coping With Stress At School | | |
COSRT | (COSRT), the UK’s leading organisation for therapists specialising in sexual and relationship issues. | |
Counselling in France | | |
Counselling in prisons network | The aim of the group is to also identify, develop and produce research agendas in relation to the engagement, management and treatment of female and male offenders. | |
Couples Counselling Network | A national network of qualified counsellors experienced in couples counselling | |
Criminal Justice | This programme focuses on mental health and criminal justice inside and out of prison. We carry out research and analysis, looking across the whole system, including early intervention, diversion, custody, community, and resettlement. | |
Depression Alliance Scotland | Depression Alliance Scotland (DAS) is the only charity based in Scotland working solely to help people with Depression living in Scotland. | | | Depression Guide is a premier resource on depression and related mental heal disorders and provides information on the different treatment options as well. It has forum and blog for the people to share their feelings and find people with similar type of story. | |
DrugScope | ‘The UK’s leading independent centre of expertise on drugs: our aim is to inform policy development and reduce drug-related risk’ | |
Drug Rehab.Com | An organization aiming to provide information and answers for people fighting addiction. They provide extensive information on the multitude of drugs out there as well as the different kinds of treatment options that are available. At their mission is to equip patients and families with the best information, resources and tools to overcome addiction and lead a lifelong recovery. | |
East Thames | East Thames is a registered housing provider and social generation charity. | |
European Association for Counselling | | |
Families need Fathers | FNF is a charity chiefly concerned with the problems of maintaining a child’s relationship with both parents during and after family breakdown. We offer information, advice and support services to help parents to achieve a positive outcome for their children. Our Forum and our network of over 50 UK Branches also offer the pro-bono guidance of solicitors and others familiar with the family courts. | |
Family Meditators Association | | |
Fatherhood Institute | The UK’s fatherhood think-tank | |
Funeral cost Help | | | | Gingerbread is the charity which works nationally and locally, for and with single parent families, to improve their lives. We achieve change by championing their voices and needs and providing support services. | |
Good Schools Guide SEN | ‘Everything you need to know when setting out on an special educational needs journey’ | |
Grandparents’ Association | The Grandparents’ Association – Working for children for over 22 years. | |
Grief Encounter | Grief Encounter – Our vision at the Grief Encounter Project is that every bereaved child and their family in the UK get the best possible help, recognition and understanding following their loss. | |
Hafal | We are Wales’ leading charity for people with serious mental illness and their carers. Covering all areas of Wales, Hafal is an organisation managed by the people we support: individuals whose lives have been affected by serious mental illness. | |
Health 4 London | Health 4 London aim to provide general and holistic health information fact-sheets and health information videos which are created by practicing health professionals for the public who have an increasing awareness of their own health and wellbeing. | | | ‘Health and medical directory and information on the web’ | |
Healthline | | |
Hearing Link | Hearing Link is the UK organisation for people with hearing los, their family and friends. It makes it easy to find information, services and support, and to connect with others so experiences, knowledge and advice can be shared. | |
Help for Hoarders | The purpose of this site is not to judge or cure, but I hope that with the tools available here, hoarding will become better understood by both sufferers and the people around them, as well as medical professionals and the general public. | |
Hypnotherapy Directory | A hypnotherapy support network, enabling those in distress to find a hypnotherapist close to them and appropriate for their needs. This is a free, confidential service that will provide those seeking support with all the information they need. | |
International Counselling Links | Directory of international counselling associations. | |
Internet Watch Foundation | IWF provide a hotline for the public to report their inadvertent exposure to illegal content on the internet. | |
Jewish Marriage Council | The Jewish Marriage Council (JMC) is a not-for-profit organisation set up to provide sensitive support for Jewish individuals, couples and families | |
Just Parents | ‘Parenting and pregnancy advice for mums and dads’ | |
Karma Nirvana | Karma Nirvana’s staff and most of its 18 volunteers are survivors of forced marriage and ‘honour’-based violence. Project founder and director Jasvinder Sanghera wants the voices of victims “to be heard” and to “shape policy”. | |
Knife | The first and most complete resource on knife crime in the UK. | |
MDF: The Bipolar Organisation | MDF The BiPolar Organisation is a user led charity working to enable people affected by Bipolar disorder / manic depression to take control of their lives. | |
Men Get Eating Disorders Too | ‘Men Get Eating Disorders Too’ is a new website for men who are affected by anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, compulsive eating and/or exercise and ‘Bigorexia’. | |
Mermaids UK | Support pages for children affected by gender identity issues, their families and carers. | |
Multiple Sclerosis Answers | | |
Mumsnet | Mumsnet homepage, with latest news, product reviews, book club, webchats, special offers, competitions and parenting advice. | |
My Family Care | My Family Care acquired BUPA Childcare last year – and since then the company has gone through a rebranding exercise. | |
National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) | The National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) provides a free, fast emergency service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation. | |
Net Mums | Netmums is a unique local network for mums and dads offering parenting information, activity ideas as well as local boards to network in . | |
Nursing Home Abuse Guide | | |
O2 Keeping kids Safe Mobiles | An educational guide for adults; on how kids use mobiles and the internet. | |
OHS Directory | OHS Directory, the UK directory for occupational health and safety,provides company profiles and information on occupational healthproviders, services and products throughout the UK. | |
Pandas Foundation | Pandas Foundation vision is to support every individual with pre or postnatal depression in England, Wales and Scotland. We campaign to change the law, provide Pandas Help Line, offer advice to all and much more. See how you can make a difference by volunteering or donating. | |
Papyrus | Confidential Young Suicide Prevention Advice | |
Parentline Plus | A Parentline Plus website for parents who are concerned about bullying in their child’s life, both outside and within school. We are here to help you support your child build healthy friendships and be safe at every stage of their life. | |
Parents In Need Of Support | PINS is a Voluntary organisation working in Hartlepool to support families who are affected by their siblings Drug/Alcohol misuse. | |
Person Centred Therapy (PCT) Scotland | | |
Pink Therapy | The UK’s leading private therapy organisation specialising in working with sexual diversity clients’ | |
Recovery Connection | Find Drug Addiction Treatment Programs that are confidential 24-hour Drug Addiction Treatment helpline. | |
Respect | ‘Respect runs a phoneline for people who are abusive or violent towards their partners and are looking for help 0845 122 8609. This phoneline also provides information and advice to anyone who’s concerned about their behaviour’ | |
Self-injury support | Bristol Crisis Service for Women is a national organisation that supports girls and women in emotional distress. We particularly help women who harm themselves (often called self-injury). | |
Special Education Degrees | Information on various learning difficulties. | |
Stress 101: Causes, Symptoms & Coping Strategies | This is a general look at stress, including how it develops, how to recognize its symptoms, and some basic stress management techniques. There are some links to research and further reading at the bottom of the piece. | |
Stress In The Workplace | This is a more detailed examination of how stress affects us at work. Although the article is focused on job-related stress, it contains stress management techniques that can be used by caregivers, military spouses, and anyone under chronic stress. | |
Support Line | We offer confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post. We work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self esteem to encourage healing, recovery and moving forward with life. We also keep details of counsellors, agencies and support groups throughout the UK. | |
The Foundation for Psychotherapy and Counselling | The professional body for counsellors and psychotherapists who have trained and qualified at wpf Counselling & Psychotherapy’ | |
The National Autistic Society | The National Autistic Society (NAS) Information Centre is a service for professionals with an interest in autism and related disorders and are the UK’s leading charity for people affected by autism. | |
The Survivors Trust | The Survivors Trust is a national umbrella organisation supporting 130 agencies within the UK and Eire, working with male and/or female survivors of rape, sexual violence or sexual abuse | | | A one-stop advice and information website where 16-24 year-olds can find support and guidance on a range of issues | |
Tourettes syndrome information | | |
Trichotillomania | Trichotillomania is a real disorder, causing individuals to pull out their own hair or eyelashes. This site is run by permanently pull free people with trichotillomania. We keep up-to-date of new advances and offer long-term, active support. | |
UK Drug Rehab | UK drug rehab directory containing information on drug rehab and alcohol rehab treatment centres. Drug addiction treatment service providers include primary and secondary treatment, after care, advice and counselling, detoxification and more. Answers to FAQ’s about drugs, their effects and dangers etc. | |
Volunteering England | Volunteering England works to promote volunteering as a powerful force for change, both for those who volunteer and for the wider community. This web site offers a range of resources for anyone who works with or manages volunteers as well as to those who want to volunteer. | |
Vox Scotland | Vox Scotland work in partnership with mental health and related services to ensure that service users get every opportunity to contribute positively to changes in the services that serve them. | |
Way Foundation | Every member of WAY lost their partner at an early age. We run social groups across the UK and are growing all the time – there’s probably a group near you. | |
Work Relationships | How should we deal with pushy colleagues, arrogant managers and timid employees? This site offers great advice on what to do in any situation | |
Youth Access | Youth Access is the national membership organisation for young people’s information, advice, counselling and support services. | |
Bullying Online | Help and advice for parents & pupils in dealing with school bullying. | |
Bullying Project | | |
time to change | |