12 Ways To Support Emotional Health

Everybody needs a little help sometimes. We’ve put together 12 easy ways for you to support your own emotion health.

1. Stop being so serious – take things lightly and with humor

  • You can’t control what happens in your life – but you can choose how you respond
  • How often have you laughed about a situation you thought was serious, when you shared it with friends later on?
  • How often have you realized – when looking back – that it wasn’t really that big of a deal?
  • How often have you noticed that what happened to you was actually a good thing and turned out to be FOR you, not against you as it seemed in the first place?

2. Stop taking things personally – it’s not about you

  • Understand that people sometimes project, and dump their anger and frustration to make themselves feel better
  • They might have had a bad day, or you might remind them of someone that triggers old emotions in them
  • You only feel attacked and judged when you yourself believe it to be true

3. Breath deeply before acting

  • When something is upsetting you, SLOW down, take a few deep breaths and ground yourself
  • Then choose how you want to respond

Read more in the book “Mental Health 101 For Teens: The Practical Guide to Mental Health, Self-Esteem, & Emotional Intelligence

4. Speak and live your truth

  • Be honest with yourself and others
  • Spend time doing what is truly meaningful and valuable to you
  • Don’t try to please others and fulfill their expectations (in work, relationships, with friends and family)
  • Dare to be you

5. Accept change

  • Life is always changing
  • Don’t resist and try to hold on
  • Trust that things will work out
  • Allow the possibility that things even get better for you

6. Listen to your gut feelings

  • Be aware of the difference between your “inner voice” and your emotions
  • Slow down and see how something feels to you before you act or decide
  • Use your “inner voice” as a tool to know what’s right for you in this moment

7. Be kind and gentle to yourself

  • Get off your case”
  • You are your biggest judge
  • Acknowledge your needs and desires
  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable, (it is ok to make mistakes, to feel hurt, sad,..)
  • Care for you as you would for a child (inner child)

8. Recharge regularly

  • Before you are “burned out”
  • Do things that are really nourishing you – not just what you think you “should” be doing – sleep in or nap, go to a movie, play sports, talk to a friend, take time out and retreat, read, take a walk in nature, pamper yourself with a body or beauty treatment, sauna, …

9. Don’t try to be “right”

  • Be aware that there are as many realities as there are people in the world
  • There are only different perceptions, opinions, values
  • Let others have their opinion – for your own peace
  • Arguing doesn’t get you anywhere

10. Forgive

  • Let go of resentments for your own peace
  • Try to understand why someone acts the way they do
  • Then compassion and “letting go” often follow naturally
  • Don’t make yourself sick with ideas about “what could have or should have been”

11. Eat well

  • Eat mostly fresh organic vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds
  • Eat simply, slowly and enjoy your food
  • Avoid white flour, white sugar, coffee, sodas and alcohol
  • A balanced diet supports a balanced body and balanced emotions

12. Exercise at least 3 times a week

  • Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel happy
  • Make it fun – don’t force yourself
  • Be creative – try alternative exercises like yoga, pilates, rebounding
  • Make it simple – walk for 30 minutes

BONUS: Give natural and alternative medicine a try

  • Many people get great results from homeopathy, acupuncture, reiki, bach flowers, essential oils….just to mention a few
  • Keep searching until you achieve what you want