The importance of understanding how masculinity may develop and the manner it may function for young men has become an intense area of concern in our society. Research has shown that young men are plagued by violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and depression.

Young men are four times more likely to die by suicide then young women. This is due to the more lethal means that they use. Young men are more likely to avoid asking for help and repress feelings which may result in long-term interpersonal and health problems.
Young men are still adhering to traditional masculine roles where they are expected to be unemotional and high achievers. Young men who adhere to traditional concepts of masculinity are less likely to search out counseling for personal problems and are wary of scrutiny by their male peers. There is still a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency and many men are avoidant of discussing depression.
Read more in the book “The New Handbook of Psychotherapy and Counseling with Men, A Comprehensive Guide to Settings, Problems, and Treatment“
As young men struggle with concepts of masculinity they may often conceal their insecurities which can result in unsatisfying interpersonal relationships. There are many masculine ideals that are currently inhibiting the successful development of young men. These include: avoidance of femininity, homophobia, self-reliance, power over women, toughness, pursuit of status, primacy of work, and emotional self-control. If these values are still so prevalent in the attitudes of young men then emotional or personal development through psychotherapy is not highly desired.